UltraÃsta (Nigel Godrich, Joey Warnoker and Laura Bettinson) will be playing the Music Hall of Williamsburg this Monday, Jan 28th with Prefuse 73 supporting. They’re doing a short tour of the U.S. (hitting both coasts in a week…Brooklyn is one of 4 US cities to get them!) around their performance on Jimmy Fallon scheduled for 1/29. Check out our review of UltraÃsta’s self-titled record, and enjoy the video for ‘Wash It Over’ below!
UltraÃsta 2013 Tour Dates:
1/23 Philadelphia PA @ The Underground Arts
1/25 Chicago IL @ Lincoln Hall
1/26 Toronto ON @ Lee’s Palace
1/28 Brooklyn NY @ Music Hall of Williamsburg – UPDATE – SHOW IS CANCELLED!
1/31 Los Angeles CA @ Masonic Lodge – Hollywood Forever
UltraÃsta – “Wash It Over” from stereogum on Vimeo.
TheWaster.com | Wash it Over